Back in the Saddle

Where do I even start? It’s obviously been a long while since I’ve written about life here.

For a long time, I really didn’t know what my life here meant anymore. As you are probably aware, this was a dream I shared with my late husband Dale. After he died of a sudden massive heart attack on November 20, 2018, I lost all direction.

Our life ended.

What does it mean when “our” dream is no longer? As I’ve tried explaining to people, it really is an unfathomable horror. One cannot really understand it unless they’ve been through it themselves.

It’s like having a bomb explode and completely destroy your home and at the same time, being teleported to a different planet. Nothing is familiar.

It took me awhile to regroup, figure out what is what. I was fully prepared to put the house and land on the market in 2020 when the pandemic made me think better of it.

I took the isolation time to try to find myself, learn who I am and who I want to be, what I want to do.

What should you expect on this page now that it is no longer “Our Little House?” Well, one thing I’ve come to accept is that no matter how many changes I make or attempts to individualize it, in some respects this will always be “Our Little House.”

Much like Dale never leaving my heart, no matter what I fill it with from this day forward, he will always be here, part of this land and home we built together. I feel him when I stack wood and hear his voice in the soft breeze when I’m on the covered front porch or the Party Deck. I see him in the boat on the lake, in the stars and in everything he ever touched in our home.

So, although I am now Living Large in my Little House, I won’t be changing the name of the page.

I did think the site needed a makeover, though, and I hope you like it! One of my goals in life now is to live each day even more to the fullest, with plenty of serendipity moments. I hope to bring that to you as well.

You’ll continue to read my musings of living in a tiny house with my three remaining dogs, Chloe, Abbi and Dexter.

I’ll now write about cooking for one, adapting or finding new recipes and how nature around me remains the same as surely as mine has changed.  I plan to write about the challenges and victories of living rural as a single woman.

I’m feistier now; I’ve claimed a feminine power and found a resilience inside I didn’t know was there, so you might see more of that.

If you don’t already follow Living Large in my Little House on Facebook, I hope you will follow me there and on Instagram as well.

I have a new blog about widowhood, I hope you’ll check out: Years of Light: Living Large in Widowhood, as well as the Facebook page and Instagram @ yearsoflight2020

Continue this journey with me, find a little serendipity.

What would you like to see here?






2 Responses

  1. umer23anaes says:


    Good luck 🙂

  2. I just stumbled on your blog—on FB I think. I have what used to mostly be a travel blog, but other topics appeared. I haven’t posted anything new in my blog since May of 2020. The following month, I learned that the excrutiating, intractable back pain I had been experiencing was caused by multiple myeloma, an “incurable, but treatable” blood cancer that had attacked my bone marrow resulting in 11 vertebral compression fractures and multiple rib fractures. You’ve inspired me to give it another go. I think losing my husband would probably be even more disturbing than my cancer diagnosis. I can also relate to your dog family. Our rescued cockapoo celebrated his 17th birthday on March 10th.

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