Week #8 Living Large Summer of Fun Scavenger Hunt: Find the Stars
“The darkest night produces the brightest stars.” ~John Green. It’s week #8 for the Living Large Summer of Fun Scavenger Hunt and your task this week is to do some stargazing and marvel at the night sky, which should also mean seeing some meteors!

Photo by Gabriel Brammer, a fellow at the European Southern Observatory based in Chile. He is also an ESO photo ambassador. From the NASA website.
The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks tonight and tomorrow night, on Friday and Saturday, August 11 & 12. YAY! It’s on a weekend, but BOO! Because it’s going to be cloudy here. But if it’s not going to be cloudy where you’re at, it would be a perfect night to pull out that lounge chair or a blanket and lie and watch.
I wrote a long time ago on the blog about my love for stargazing and how much I enjoy seeing the stars at Our Little House. After many years being blocked by light pollution in the city, I am still in awe that we can clearly see the Milky Way hovering at night.
I chose the above quote for this post because of course, the quote can take on double meaning. Literally, the darkest night produces the brightest stars in the sky. But the darkest nights of our lives can also produce the brightest stars in the gems of people coming to our aid, or better self-awareness.
We have been dealing with some serious health issues here in Cedar Hollow this summer and while the time has been challenging, it has indeed produced some unexpected stars in our lives. Please send myself and my family some healing thoughts and prayers if you pray.
And, get out there and enjoy some twinkles! As always, if you post about your “find” either here on the blog or on the Living Large in Our Little House Facebook page before 6 p.m. CDT on Thursday, August 11 , U.S. residents will be entered into a drawing for prizes!
Where do you get the best view while stargazing?