A Big Box

Our Big Box
Out in the sticks, a Big Box means something other than a great big store. We have bigger boxes than I had even imagined existed – and it’s our mailboxes. The Internet might be putting the U.S. Postal system out of business, but for those of us here in rural areas, the mail is still an anticipated event each day.
News that the post office might stop delivering six days a week and cut out Saturday delivery means that we are isolated from the outside world one more day. When we used The Little House as a weekend getaway, we didn’t need a huge, rural mailbox, as all we ever received here was the weekly Shopper. After we moved here full time over two years ago, we quickly found out that unless we wanted to make multiple wasted trips into town, we needed a Big Box.
We live 1.7 miles from the blacktop and our rural mail carrier will not deliver packages to our door unless we are within a mile. The first one we got was big (about the size of the one pictured next to ours), but I was still finding myself having to pick up and go into town more than I needed. Don’t get me wrong, I love going into town sometimes, especially when it’s sunny and the air is warm and I can drive with the windows down and the stereo up.
However, a trip into town is basically wasted time, especially if there’s not more than one errand involved. It is also lost time for me when I could be working. We found this mailbox at one of the big box home improvement stores located in the big town about 20 miles away, but the trip for the mailbox was well worth it.
Since we put it up, I haven’t had to go into town but once for a delivery that wouldn’t fit into the big box. I think writing letters is a lost art and I try to send cards and little notes to friends and family. Of course, I enjoy receiving care packages, cards and simple little notes from friends and Dale’s family, reminding us that we’re still missed and not forgotten.
Late at night, when Dale finally makes it home with the mail, I’m almost as excited to see what’s there, as I am to see him!
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Okay – now I understand why when we’re traveling on rural roads many–MANY–of the mailboxes I see are huge! So funny that I never realized this or put the two together. Thank you for enlightening me.
We learn something new everyday! 🙂
I don’t live quite as far off the beaten path as you, but I do enjoy listening for the sound of the mail truck’s arrival each day. And, thanks for the note writing comment … it jogged my memory about a birthday card I must send.
You reminded me that when we lived in our city house, Emma, our German Shepherd/Rot mix, would wait by the window for the mailman just so she could bark at him. If I was home, she would then run to the backyard where she could watch him turn the corner and go to the next block.
Glad my post reminded you of the card, it’s those little things that are important!
My parents have this mailbox! They live in what used to be, when I was a kid at least, a rural area. They both worked during the day and so weren’t home if the mailman came to the door. A giant mailbox was a must since my mom was writing textbooks and getting galleys in the mail (back when nothing was digital!). That mailbox could hold a herd of cows I think, it’s so big!
Yep, it looks very dark and empty in there when nothing comes in the mail! 🙂
The only mail that annoys me is catalogs. Especially this time of the year, when we get a ton, even though we’ve opted out of receiving most.
We have had beautiful weather, have a warm, sunny day! 🙂
Good morning Kerri, I love mail, any kind of mail, even junk mail. Your blog is glowing in a soft light of cozy warm sunshine. Enjoy!