A Winter’s Day Gratitude at Our Little House

One of life’s ironies is that as soon as we turn the corner and start heading into longer days in the winter, the weather usually takes a turn for the worst.

There’s an old adage I had never heard before, but read in this week’s newspaper, “When the days start to lengthen, the cold begins to strengthen.”

This week, as the morning temperatures have dipped to single digits, we’ve began literally burning through the wood Dale cut and split last winter during his last lay off.

Every morning, before I do anything else, I write what I am grateful for and this helps me, particularly this time of the year, when it feels like it will never warm enough to get back into my deck gardening or out on the lake.

Here are some things I’m particularly grateful for in the cold of winter:

  • Hot coffee, particularly Kona blend sent to me by a good friend for Christmas!
  • The warmth of the wood burning stove.
  • Three dog and one husband nights.
  • Flannel sheets
  • My Carhartt coat
  • My oil space heater that keeps my feet toasty at The Belle Writer’s Studio
  • Good books
  • Sweatpants
  • The fact that I’m not in Bismarck, ND, where it was well below –0-!
  • We haven’t had a major ice storm in two years
  • Our Living Large community, who has supplied me with some great recipes to enjoy in our cozy little cabin.

What brings you comfort and makes you grateful on a winter’s day?

18 Responses

  1. Alexandra says:

    That one is easy. OUR WOOD STOVE!!!!

  2. Sandra says:

    To see some really neat winter pictures here in East Tennessee check out http://www.highonleconte.com The lodge is located in the Smokey National Park.

  3. Sheryl says:

    After spending 5 days without running water right after Christmas — long story short, the water supply pipe broke right where it comes through the basement foundation, and we had to turn the water off until new piping could be installed. Although we could turn the water on for brief periods (showers, etc), for the most part, the house was dry. When the water was returned to “running” status, I really had appreciation for being able to walk into the kitchen or bathroom, turn on a faucet, and have instant water. It made me think about those countries where the water might only run for certain hours during the day. I’m grateful for not-frozen pipes and running water.

    • kerri says:

      Oh, that sounds terrible, Sheryl! I’m glad you got your water back. I know exactly what you went through as we had 8 days of no electricity – which meant no water – during the ice storm two years ago. Makes me shiver just to think about it!

  4. Sandra says:

    East TN hasn’t had this much snow since 96′! We have burned thru the wood too. We chose not to fill our propane tank. Gas price was tooo high here. Doing fine though. Our stove insert heats a 2600 sq.ft. house. Gas company called boo hooing and wanting to sell me gas for 1.00 off a gallon. Told them to keep it. Maybe they will think twice about ripping off everyone.

    Finished an 8ft. runner braided rug. starting another one to keep busy.

    • kerri says:

      Good for you, Sandra, with the gas company! I know quite a few people who are burning wood this winter instead of propane because of the prices. Good luck with the rug!

  5. I’m so grateful that we moved to the country, last summer. Taking that leap after being lifelong city dwellers was scary, especially financially, but both of us agree that it was the best thing we’ve ever done (besides marry each other!) I love the snow that covers everything right now- it’s not so terribly deep that it interferes with our lives, but it’s so beautiful. Things were so drab a few days ago- now everything sparkles! I’m grateful for my Cat Genie, a self cleaning litter box that actually flushes away the waste so I never have to clean a litter box. Might seem like a silly thing to be grateful for, but I LOVE not having to handle cat litter and stinky cat poo anymore. I’m grateful for my crock pot which will be simmering with beef stew today and make the house smell nice while I work. I’m grateful for my new job as host of a radio program (www.jackaloperadio.com) every Thursday. It’s a whole new experience for me- and so far I’m loving it! Thanks for causing me to stop and reflect on all that I’m grateful for, Kerri! Stay cozy!

    • kerri says:

      I can relate to that cat litter. That was definitely the worst part of having a cat (besides eventually losing them) 🙁
      Enjoy that crockpot cooking today!

  6. Hot coffee is always a pleasure around here no matter what the temperature. And when the stores sell pumpkin spice non-dairy creamer, I’m in heaven. Unfortunately that season has come and gone.

    I am so grateful that we have a gas fireplace, hot water heater and stove, so when the power leaves us, we can still stay warm, have a shower and cook.

  7. Olivia says:

    Today I am going to bottle 30 bottles of Merlot that I made – that makes me happy. I also booked a trip to visit my daughter and son-in-law in April – that makes me happy.

    We haven’t had your frigid temperatures yet – and I hope we don’t – but we have a LOT of snow. My husband shovels it – that makes me happy (that I don’t have to 🙂

    The wood supply is lasting well and it’s well seasoned this year – that makes me happy.

    I’m trying here. Since we have had very little sunlight since November, I am really not particularly happy. The ever present grey skies do NOT make me happy.

    • kerri says:

      Maybe you should drink some of that Merlot and the skies would brighten, Olivia! 😉 Just kidding. It will start to get lighter with sunny skies soon. Hang in.

  8. V Schoenwald says:

    It has been very cold here in Nebraska. Tue morning it was -19 below 0 with a wind chill of -36 below 0. Wednesday it was -19 below again with a wind chill of -26 below.
    I am thankful for my cruddy trailer home. It keeps me warm and I have a roof over my head. I am also with David, I am so thankful that I have internet access to keep me in contact with wonderful people who keep me posted what is going on in the world and what goes on with the lifestyle we all strive to live. It keeps me connected with my blogging friends and to new ideas, and gardening ideas.

  9. David says:

    I’ve been amazed this year at how much colder it has been in much of the U.S. than here in Ukraine. We’re about at the same latitude as the Canadian border in Montana, yet we have been running mostly in the 20s over the last week or so. We do have about six inches of snow on the ground for the last week, though. Although I actually enjoy the occasional walk in the cold, I am forbidden from doing that by my doctor because of recurring diabetes-related foot problems. Since I am also married to her, I can’t cheat! 8:)
    It’s a bit after 3 p.m. as I write; by 4 it will be fully dark. I don’t enjoy that much, but in May when it’s light from about four in the morning until after 9 at night it’s rather nice as a compensation.
    Personally, I’m thankful for family and friends and for the Internet that helps keep me sane on these long days in our own small home!

    • kerri says:

      Yowza. I thought getting dark at a little after 5 was bad! But those long days of light sound very nice, David. Sounds like we all love having the Internet. I don’t really remember what we did without it! 😉